Our company undertakes to pattern processing, welcome merchants and customers from home and abroad to visit our factory. 公司承接来图样加工,热忱欢迎国内外客商光临惠顾。
We appreciate processing with supplied pattern, processing according to supplied samples and processing with supplied materials upon your specification. 欢迎客商来图、来样、来料加工各种规格、形状的人造宝石、玻璃、红刚玉、蓝刚玉、尖晶蓝、天然宝石。
There is abundant information in a two-photon microscopic image of nasopharyngeal cells, which can be analysed and processed by means of computers and image pattern processing algorithm. 鼻咽细胞的双光子显微图像中含有着丰富信息,借助计算机和图像处理算法可进行分析处理。
Study and Application of Computer Embroidery Machine Pattern Processing Technique 电脑绣花机花样处理技术的研究及应用
The industrial control computer is used for the pattern data processing, input of parameters, control and display of working state, and the DSP for the fault diagnosis, control of needle selection and fur-fiber feeding and control of patterns. 其中工业控制计算机完成花型数据的处理功能、参数输入、控制与状态显示;DSP完成故障诊断、选针控制、喂毛控制和花型控制功能;
Brain Lateralization of Pitch Pattern Processing 音高模式加工的大脑偏侧化研究
The application of BitBlt in the processing of patterns can not only expand the capability of VB pattern processing, but also enhance the operating efficiency of programs. 使用BitBlt可直接对显示缓存的图像进行处理,他不但扩展了VB的图像处理功能,同时也提高了程序的执行效率。
Pattern Processing by Optical Double-Order Filtering 光学双级滤波图像处理
An Effective Polygon Covering Algorithm and Pattern Processing Software 通用多边形覆盖算法及图形分解软件
An Algorithm of Interference Pattern Processing Based on Apple II Microcomputer 适用于AppleII微机的干涉图处理软件算法
A laser scanned textile pattern processing system and its application 激光扫描织物图案处理系统及其应用
The improved method not only makes the drawing easy and accurate, but also facilitates the develpment through calculation and brings convenience to the computer pattern processing of the developed view of the reducing bend. 改进的方法不仅作图简便、准确,还可用计算法进行展开,实现异径弯管展开图的计算机处理。
The on-line spatial image analysis system for laser-produced plasmas consists of an imaging element with double slits or a pinhole, MCP image intensifier, a CCD camera and a pattern processing device. 在线激光等离子体空间成象分析系统由成象体(双狭缝或针孔)、MCP(微通道板)象增强器、CCD摄象机和图象处理系统构成。
Design of Warping& Arranging Pattern Processing Software of Composed Pattern Colored Woven Fabric 复杂花形色织物整经排花工艺软件的设计
New Methods and Software System of Digital Moire Pattern Processing 云纹数字图象处理新方法及通用软件系统
A textile pattern processing system using a He-Ne Laser to scan a textile multi-coloured pattern is described. 本文介绍一种织物图案处理系统。该系统用He-Ne激光对织物多色图案原稿进行扫描。
This paper presents an object-oriented information model of processing in CE environment with the product structure as the core. The concurrent pattern of processing design based on PDM and the information integrating technology of CAPP are illustrated. 本文提出了并行工程环境下以产品结构树为核心面向对象的工艺信息模型,阐述了基于PDM的并行工艺设计模式及CAPP系统信息集成技术。
Laser scanned textile pattern processing system is also briefly described. 还扼要地介绍了激光扫描织物图案处理系统。
The techniques of ultraviolet laser photoablation of polymers have been shown to be useful for a wide rang of applications, for example, pattern processing in device fabrication of microelectronics and microsurgery in medical areas. 激光烧蚀聚合物技术在微电子学器件的图形加工和医学的显微外科中有极其广阔的应用前景。
In practice applications, generic near neighbor classifier was limited for the amount of pattern processing was very large and was difficult to get the best data quickly on line. 在实际应用中,一般的近邻分类器由于模式处理量过大,且难以在线和快速获得最佳近邻数等原因,而受到了限制。
An in pattern processing technology for Al 2O 3 ( p)/ Al composites is presented. The factors influencing solidification courses in composing zone are discussed and approaches to controlling the distribution of Al 2O 3 particles are provided. 论述了Al2O3(p)/Al复合材料型内处理成型工艺,并讨论了影响复合区域凝固过程的有关因素,指出了控制复合区域内Al2O3粒子的分布的途径。
This paper reports a kind of fingerprint pattern digital processing and automatic recognizing method by a computer. 提出了一种用微机对指纹进行数字图像处理并且自动识别的方法。
The algorithm can be completed in three steps: bound checking, byte filling and line pattern processing. 该算法能完成对离散值的曲线处理、线型变换和超界处理。
Optical lithography is a major technology of current micrometer and submicrometer pattern processing in very large scale integration ( VLSI) fabrication, yet it will continue to show overwhelming dominance and to be the key factor of VLSI development in the 1990 s. 光学光刻是目前超大规模集成电路(VLSI)制备中主要的微米和亚微米的图形加工技术,这一技术将继续保持其主导地位成为90年代VLSI发展的关键。
A novel diffraction pattern processing method based on multi layer feedforward neural networks is proposed, which is proved to be better than the conventional method based on the least squares curve fitting. 提出了一种基于多层前馈神经网络的相位板衍射图样处理方法,相对于传统的最小二乘曲线拟合处理方法而言,精度大为提高。
The Photoelectric Color Separation Scanner Used in CAM System for Art of Textile Printing and Dying Pattern Processing 印染花样处理工艺自动化中的光电扫描分色装置
The Laser Speckle Pattern Processing with Partially Coherent Light 用部分相干光来处理激光散斑图片
Adopting the new digital technology, digital design breaks the traditional design pattern through processing the information elements such as graph, image and color, etc. digitally and then expressing them in digital way. 数码设计打破了传统的艺术设计手法,采用全新的数字技术手段,将所设计的图形、图像、色彩等信息元素进行数字化处理,然后以数字化的形式呈现出来。
And the reasons that it causes errors are related to the feature of the entire recognition of Chinese characters and the strategy of font pattern processing of learners. 而形近导致的汉字偏误成因则与汉字的整体识别特征和学习者的字形加工策略有关。
This paper introduces the dictionary matching, pattern processing, semantic integration of word verification system model and the overall design of data representation and storage implementation, and operation of the system involved in the algorithm gives a detailed introduction. 文章介绍了将词典匹配、模式处理、语义验证集成的分词系统的整体设计模型以及数据表示和存储的实现方式,并对系统运行中涉及的算法给出了详细的介绍。